Finding Joy in the Journey: The Unexplored Power of Leadership

emotional literacy leadership


The Busy Leader's Dilemma

As leaders, we often find ourselves caught up in the constant push for success and efficiency. We're always on the go—planning, strategizing, problem-solving—you name it. In Japan, there's a witty yet poignant perspective on this. The Kanji character for 'busy' is written as 'losing one's heart.' Interesting, right? It's as if we get so caught up in the hustle that we lose touch with ourselves. Today, we're shifting gears from traditional leadership discussions to focus on an emotion that we often sideline, but is crucial to our teams and us—joy.


The Power of Joy

Joy isn't merely a fleeting feel-good moment. It's a deep-seated emotion that strengthens resilience, boosts motivation, and contributes to a psychologically safe and positive team environment. The Six Seconds' Vitality Report 2022 found that teams experiencing high levels of joy are ten times more likely to maintain high performance. Quite a good reason not to 'lose our hearts,' don't you think?

To put this in perspective, consider the words of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, "Let the joy be in your journey - not in some distant goal." Joy, as he implies, is not merely about the outcome. It's about appreciating the process—the growth, collaboration, and triumph over obstacles that occur along the way.


A Call to Leaders

So, how can we leaders embrace joy amid our busyness? It starts with hitting the pause button. We need to step back from our constant future focus to be truly present. Joy is an emotion of the 'now.' It's about recognizing and appreciating current accomplishments, no matter how small they seem, and celebrating the progress we make each day.

So here's to us, leaders! Let's take a step back from our busyness and remember not to lose our hearts in the hustle. Let's bring joy back into our leadership style. By acknowledging and celebrating the 'now' moments, we can build a team culture filled with vitality, resilience, and a sense of joy that fuels our journey, not just the destination.


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