to EQ'up your life.

Becoming Allies with Anger, Fear, and Sadness


Leaders often encounter a variety of emotions, with the trio of anger, fear, and sadness often deemed as adversaries. Yet, these emotions,...

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Finding Joy in the Journey: The Unexplored Power of Leadership


The Busy Leader's Dilemma

As leaders, we often find ourselves caught up in the constant push for success and efficiency. We're always on the...

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Lead with Clarity: the Art of Navigating Uncertainty


Do you feel overwhelmed in your leadership role due to rampant uncertainty? This unwelcome guest, uncertainty, tends to intrude into our...

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Channeling High Energies: Frustration and Excitement in Leadership


The Dual Nature of High Energy Emotions

High-energy emotions are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they can motivate and inspire,...

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Optimism in Leadership: The PPP-TIE Framework

The world of leadership has evolved significantly over the years, moving away from a traditional command-and-control approach to one that values...

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